Saturday, December 08, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Time is Flying!
Tonight I'm going to a get together put on by my brother's in-laws. As much as I'd just rather stay's an attempt at getting to know my new sister in law, and her family. The rest of the week will be busy as I still have doctors appointments, packing, last minute meetings and organizing to do. Not to mention work things to finish up in time for Boot Camp.
Before I fly out, I'm hoping to get my newsletter published here as well as a few pictures.
Until then,
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Pictures from Hartbeesport ...My new favorite spot!

As long ago from my little trip to Hartbeesport Dam at the beginning of the year. Quite a view eh?
South is by and large one of the most diverse...and beautiful countries I've worked in.

It's been a long week and I'd appreciate your prayers for us here as the pressure increases and decisions need to be made.
I'm missing ya'll....and praying for you too!
Until next time!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
March 2007
Well, it’s been quite awhile since I last wrote….though the silence has been lengthy it is by no means an indication of how frequently I think of and pray for you.
Things have been quite busy in my little corner of the world; and I found it difficult to keep up with things like letter writing in the midst of all the “action”. Though I know you kind of got left out of the loop your prayers were effective as, over the last several months we have seen some incredible blessings.
(registration day)
This past December-January we held the 2006-2007 South Africa Boot Camp. For the first time we had an eight team Boot Camp and had 169 team members and leaders. This being my second boot camp here I wasn’t quite as green as last year but I still have a lot to learn! The addition two teams this year also created more responsibility. We were rather…anxious to see how our recruitment efforts would “pay off” as registration day began on Dec. 9th. Evangelism isn’t all about numbers but from an administrative side you need a certain number of people per team….that number was not only reached but surpassed…by exactly nine! We were all so excited to see such a huge answer to many many prayers…thank you for praying with us!
We were full to capacity and certainly felt the strain in some areas….such as having to run this year without an adequate water supply. The adventures with the river pump continued and two months after the pump first broke down we still remained without water. It was a frustrating ordeal to say the very least. Yet even in this, God provided through a local farmer who allowed us to drive to his property and fill up one of our smaller JoJo tanks (a water storage tank) each morning. It was a blessing that we had the JoJo tank as hauling the minimum amount of water needed (5,000ltrs) would have been a challenge with out it.
Before we knew it Commissioning Day arrived and Project Time was upon us. Stewart Bailey and I took turns driving the teams out to their various project sites. The Ag/Ev team was by far the most remote. Getting them there was quite the ordeal. I still have not totally adapted to the way directions are given here…I was told to take the road that went up the mountain….road? What road? There was no road! “The road” was this little semi- cleared footpath through a dried up riverbed. Trees, fence posts and cattle corrals on the left and a huge crater-like crack in the earth large enough to swallow tires on the right…going straight up the x mountain…it was….well, let’s just say I was glad my parents weren’t there! Coming down was a whole lot more fun. (In The Picture: The staff and students on BMW Graduation Day)
The first came from the Clown team located in a large village called Shoshanguve. They endured quite a bit of hostility. Every night this lady and some of her friends would chuck large stones and anything else they could find and would yell and curse the team as they tried to have evening devotions. They eventually moved this inside the church building but still the villagers would throw rocks at the tin building and curse…making quite the racket. Finally the head leader for the team and the pastor went to talk to the lady and ask her to leave them alone. It turned out that the lady was involved in witchcraft. While she didn’t accept Christ she did listen whilst the pastor shared the Gospel with her and she left the team alone after that.
(In the Picture: 2006-2007 BC Picture)
Debrief came and went in sort of a hazy blur. At some point during the two and half week field time I picked up typhoid. As a result…Debrief wasn’t very much fun as I battled being quite ill. Typhoid isn’t much more fun than malaria…I’d just as soon not have a repeat of either! Thankfully the staff members did a good job of stepping in for me and helped hold things together. We had 16 team members bridge the gap this year committing their lives to full time Christian service.
Lessons Learned
Throughout all the busyness of Boot Camp and the preparations leading up to it I kept returning to II Corinthians 4 in devotions. It’s a passage that’s taken on particular meaning over the last several months.
“For what we preach is not ourselves but Jesus Christ as Lord, and ourselves (merely) as your sevants for Jesus’ sake. For God who said, Let light shine out of darkness, has shone in our hearts so as (to beam forth) the Light for the illumination of the knowledge of the majesty and glory of God (as it is manifest in the Person and is revealed in the face of Jesus Christ). However, we possess this previous treasure) the divine Light of the Gospel) in (frail, human) vessels of earth, that the grandeur and exceeding greatness of the power may be shown to be from God and not from ourselves.” II Cor. 4:5-7
To share a few goals for the next several months with you….
Opportunities to “do more” are coming up and the next couple years will be very exciting ones as we see the Lord lead us into new avenues of ministry through the AIDS Orphans and Street Children program. We have also begun training with Child Evangelism Fellowship and are excited about having these new skills to use as a part of the out reaches the BMW students do each term.
I will be returning to the
I’m so excited about the
I’ll be in the
Andrea Barbour
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Trying to catch up....
It was a long haul and I'm still battling with a case of typhoid I can't seem to shake.....and trying to put all the bits back together so we're ready to roll when the BMW school opens on the 21st. So I'm not taking a break...yet. I am hoping, if I can get everything done that I need to, to take a couple days off and go to the Hartbeesport Dam about a click to the west... from the base here in Pretoria. I've actually never been there but I hear it's a nice location. So we'll see.
Thanks for all your prayers for us during the last month.....we needed every one of them! It was the best BC I've had thus far with a completely full eight teams. The place was packed. The kids and leaders did well...not too many "serious" incidents....chased one kid through Boot Camp who'd tried to make off with part of the camp's lunch hidden in the team igloo he went to fill (Long story)...kid was finally caught, lunch was "rescued" and we moved on. Now that it's over I can say....that was the funniest thing I've seen in a long made for a really interesting day.
In total we saw over 1,000 decisions for Christ in the last month and all the teams did really well on their various projects so we Praise the Lord for all he did in and through us over the last several weeks. It was rough at times, obviously, but it was amazing to stand back and see Him work.
Anyway this is all I've got time for now but I'll post again soon and hopefully add pictures.
Thanks again for your prayers!