Monday, March 10, 2008

The Dark Side of the Moon

It's been said that when Astronauts cross behind the moon, they lose all communication until they "resurface" on the other side.
That's about how I feel! I pretty well dropped off the face of the earth there at the end of November. Thankfully I have resurfaced! Yes folks, I am still alive and quite happy to report...I'm doing pretty good!

Most of you knew how difficult the decision to resign from Teen Missions was and the last two months I have really struggled with that decision. However after many days of praying, thinking and talking....I have made peace with it, so to speak. I know God's plans don't always make sense. Somehow though, knowing that doesn't always help me accept them!

The upswing of course is that I'm more rested than I have been in a very, very long time. I don't think I realized how worn out I really was until I finally found the joy of a good nights sleep. It's interesting how not being chronically sleep deprived can improve mental function!

As much as I miss life and ministry in Africa, I am learning to enjoy and serve right where I'm at. The transition has been anything but easy and I am greatly indebted to those closest to me who patiently endured and kept talking me down out of the crazy tree.

So, now that I'm rested, on my way to being recharged and ready to roll....what's next?
Well....I don't exactly know...just yet. I am considering and praying about long term work overseas and there are several different agencies that I am looking at. Though my desire is of course to do what I overseas....I feel a keen desire to ensure the next steps I take are the ones God leads me to. Not ones I take just for the sake of doing something....anything to have a plan!

In the mean time, while I'm waiting on God's clear leading....I am focused on a couple things.

My first priority is to "rebuild". Rebuild my personal life, rebuild relationships with friends, family and supporters and rebuild my health.

My second priority in keeping with the first is to "renew". Renew my walk with God, my service in my local community and renew my partnership in my local church.

My third priority is to "prepare". Prepare for future service through education and discipleship.

How am I working these three things out? Well, currently I am helping my parents with their business. The business has grown by leaps and bounds and they really needed some good administrative establishment...not to mention some IT help. Which is where I've come in. I have the opportunity to rebuild my relationship here at home by helping out in an area I certainly have a lot of skill in.

I have been working on phone calls, letters and emails to friends and supporters who were a bit neglected during my last couple months in South Africa. If you haven't heard from me yet....I'm getting there!!!

I am also serving in my church's missions board. This is a role I am loving! At the moment I am helping to plan and organize our missions conference. I am hoping this will lead to opportunities to help and encourage missionaries in various stages of their service....going to the field, on the field or coming home from the field.

I am also looking at the potential of helping my church administratively.

So that covers "rebuild and renew".

On to prepare....
At the moment I am re-certifying as an Emergency Medical Technician. It's a whole lot more work than I was initially prepared for but, eight weeks in I am really starting to enjoy it. It is really good to have my skills refreshed and my knowledge beefed up. Although they aren't covering some of the things I faced daily....the principals and techniques are in many cases the same. It's also giving me a chance to catch up on the new standards here in the US.

Come this spring I am going to be making some final decisions on graduate school. I have thought about this often and continue to seek guidance. I have an opportunity to earn a masters degree in pastoral counseling. Essentially the same as a counseling degree however pastoral counseling has an emphasis on counseling from a pastoral perspective. This would prove incredibly helpful as a missionary or in some other full time ministry. So I would appreciate your prayers concerning this.

I am also wanting to look into taking single classes that would address areas I feel I could use some professional development in. Classes I'm looking at would be business accounting and finance, grant writing, non-profit organizational leadership and a couple additional health related classes.

Also under all of that is a continued need and desire to rebuild, renew and prepare spiritually. Being able to sit in a pew and soak things up has certainly helped in this process!

Lessons Learned
Whew. Too many to count! God has brought around several different people and various other things that have given me some valuable insight. Not only correcting past mistakes but also teaching me what I can do differently, and what I should continue to do, in the future.

I have certainly learned a lot about myself and about how to deal with the demands of leadership and ministry as a single woman overseas. I think the biggest lesson I've learned is that it really is okay for me to say I need a break! So I'm learning how I can balance things better in the future to ensure I don't burn myself out.

Though I feel pretty secure in saying it will be a year before I begin to make plans to return to missions full time, should the Lord continue to lead in that direction. I have also learned enough by now to know that my plans and His often differ! As a result I have begun the preliminary process with a missions board. This initial process is actually the result of interest I had in a short term position (short term being under two years). All short term positions can lead to long term positions and specifically the one I'm interested in has huge amounts of potential for long term work. As I mentioned I am wanting to be careful and not rush things too quickly or assume too much. So at the moment, this is just a very early investigation. We'll see where God leads!

I have also had a couple teaching possibilities come up. In response I have sent in several resumes and will wait to see what develops there. My education and experience is very specific as a result it might not be broad enough to be a good fit, but it is a possibility nevertheless.

At the end of the day, regardless of what actually happens and what turns out to have been speculation on my parent, I am confident and excited about the future God has in store.

I am learning the importance of patience and trust as I actively wait on Him. I am also learning the joy of slowing down and taking time for things that really are important and learning to identify things that aren't worthwhile.

So, that's where I'm at! Sorry it's taken me awhile to update you all. Please note that I am working on a newsletter!!!

Until Next Time!

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