I've kind of neglected writing. No real excuse...just laziness.
My EMT shifts have been super boring and it's starting to feel like a waste of time. I know that sounds really bad to say that I wish people would get hurt/sick more....and I know that being there is important....still...because this is something I volunteer for it's not like I'm getting paid to sit and wait for the phone to ring...so I'm considering transferring to Wishard where at least I could work in the ER if I wasn't needed on a crew. So we'll see.
My other job, as a shareholder and employee in the family business has been chaos. In a good way. God has done a lot in my family over the last few months and even more in the business. It's been totally amazing. I know there's a 'recession' going on...but it's not hitting our market and we praise God for it! Business is going well, and our new product line is selling well. We are on our way to meeting our seasonal goal already.
This weekend is the Home & Garden show we are sponsoring so everything is a bit crazy with all the normal work plus this added stuff. And then rain on top of it all...so this will most probably be my only post this week.
School isn't happening....I had thought I would take some classes this summer but there just is no way I could manage a course load effectively and work 40+ hours a week. So I'm going to work this summer on evaluating my fall work hours and planning for school then.
The good news is that even with several set backs financially I'm still on target for saving for my trip to see my best friend Jody who lives in St. Lucia. I'm so excited. I miss that girl heaps! We were roomates in college and worked together in South Africa for several years. So we had lots of time in which to develop a really close bond.
Being away from all my friends is what has sucked the most about being stuck in Indiana. All my friends are either overseas or on the West Coast. I'm the only one out this way. It really is depressing.
There have been a lot of random thoughts and ground work is being laid for future decisions like ministry and school etc. But I don't feel that anything resolute has been decided. As the picture states...people aren't perfect and I'm still working through some crap. But thankfully I'm getting pretty good at just ignoring it all....although I think some might call that denial. At this point, I just really don't care. For the most part I'm still just putting one foot in front of the other and trusting God to see me through each day. For the most part, I do good to handle that. So as far as forward thinking...not so much....but a bit more than before. So I count that progress ....very minimal...but progress nevertheless.
So, I'm off to the gym, then home where I plan to work on some paperwork I'm taking with me and watch the NCIS episode from last week that I missed. Enthralling I know ;-)
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