I know the time stamp is off, it's still set to African time, I just haven't had the time to change it. So this really is Friday morning :-)
I am hopeful that this weekend is restful. I know I keep saying this, but I've been really busy. So even though I should spend a little extra time working, I'm going to make time to do some things I've been putting. Nothing screams "pleasure" to me more than a comfy chair, a great book and peace and quiet. I also may poke around the Library. I am actually all 'out' of books. A rare thing for me as you know.
Starting off this Friday morning I'm pondering the incredible steadfastness of God. I've had a really great week spiritually. No real insight just reminders of His amazing love. Little things like realizing I haven't made one trip to the hospital in the last three months. For the first time in years I've been able to run and walk fast without passing out. I haven't been sick at all actually. It's an awesome feeling, health. One I highly doubt I ever take for granted.
Further confirmation that I'm in the right place, doing what I need to be doing, and giving myself the rest I need.
One thing I continue to look forward to is my upcoming trip to St. Lucia. I had an email from my friend this morning and we are busy making plans. It will be so good to see her again!
There's a quote that really spoke to me this week. It's from Withering Heights but it had a bit more of a spiritual implication for me.
"If he loved you with all the power of his soul for a whole lifetime, he couldn't love you as much as I do in a single day."
When I first read it, I was struck that this is true about God's love versus human love. Being single, there's always that topic of "when will Andrea find a nice young man" hovering around family get togethers and functions. This quote reminded me that regardless of when the eventual "nice young man" turns up, and regardless of how great he might be...his love or anyone's love for me will never be able to match or surpass God's love for me.
So there you have it...my rambling thoughts early in the morning :-)
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