<--This is what my desk looks like....I’ve spent the last 10 hours compiling, editing, recalculating, printing…reprinting and filing tax forms for the business. If I have to figure out how to get one more ‘x’ into a pre-printed form..I am going to cry…and then demand a raise.
Thank God my taxes are fairly simple and straight forward!
While I’m off to go to yoga and hopefully relax my incredibly stiff neck and spend the rest of the night not staring at a computer screen…I thought I’d leave you with some links.
Surprisingly there’s some good stuff floating around the web today ☺
If you’re married, or even if you’re not, LifeChurch.tv has a great series going on called The Vow, it’s all about drawing closer to God and closer to each other.
You can find more about it here www.internet.lifechurch.tv
Christian Personal Finance, a blog on finance and wealth management from a Christian perspective has as list of The Top 20 Christian Financial Websites I think you’ll find helpful.
And last but certainly not least is today’s post, Getting Single People Married as Fast as Possible, on the blog Stuff Christian’s Like. It cracked me up this morning, Jon Acuff, owner and writer for this blog consistantly turns out great stuff so poke around and have a laugh ☺
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