Well, another week begun. I must say I’m rather excited. Not because anything with work or school has changed, just because I’ve made some decisions…finally. I still have quite a few things still to work through but I am comforted by the fact that I know God hasn’t given up on me yet. I know He is good and He is faithful and nothing, not circumstances or the failures, successes or opinions of men can in anyway, impact his love or plans for me. I trust that knowledge far more than I trust anything else. Because His faithfulness and his blessing in my life isn’t dependant upon me! (Thank God!) It’s totally dependant upon His character and His faithfulness to follow thru on promises he has made. The Lord’s word is a silver refined in fire seven times…meaning, it never, ever fails.
I have decided to follow Jesus, as the hymn goes, no turning back.
There are loads of things I don’t get. But I’m okay with only seeing part of the picture. I don’t know where or when or how any of my heart’s desires for things like marriage, family and ministry will come about but I know that when I seek and pursue Christ above material and worldy things (or even just doing what I know is right rather than what I ‘feel’ is right…) He will satisfy my desires with good things. And that makes me excited.
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