Sometimes life seems to get really complicated. It reminds me of when I took this photo. We hiked all day long in the fog and there were times when there was no path at all, it felt like we were just going around and around and higher and higher with no real point to any of it. Until we hit this clearing. It was the most amazing view. The fog had lifted and I could see a little better. Suddenly my attitude toward my guide changed…he actually did have plan!
That’s kind of how I feel my life has been recently. It’s hard to get perspective and see the ‘big picture’ that is our Journey. But every once in awhile we have moments of clariety where we can look back and see where we’ve come from and look forward to where we are headed and know that our present position…regardless of how difficult, is worthwhile.
Sometimes we have to wait longer than others…but clearings do come.
When I took this picture my initial thought was “crap! Look at how far we still have to go!” As I was reminded today though, the journey, the process is just as important as the momentary times of clarity and understanding that come.
I still don’t know where I’m going, or what’s coming in a month from now let alone years from now. When I get bored of the process I’m in right now (school and work) this picture reminds me that my Guide does have a plan. He knows where I’m going and eventually I will too. Until then, in the midst of this seemingly endless fog and the apparently pointless circles, I choose to trust.
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